Meet the Designer
Hello! My name is Josh Kesterson. From concept to execution, I bring a meticulous and detail oriented approach to my designs, ensuring every element serves a purpose, resulting in visuals that are engaging, and leave a lasting impression. I am a budding designer, and I am eager to begin my journey as a creative professional. Ever since I took a design class in the 7th grade I have been hooked. I have always known that I would follow a creative career path. The way that you can flex your creative muscles while still adhering to the principles and fundamentals is as invigorating as it is challenging. I believe in the power of design to tell stories, evoke emotions, and leave a lasting impression is something very special.
One of my favorite things to do when I am facing creative block is to visit the nature trail by my house. Being outside without the distractions of daily life for even just a few minutes is enough to get me up and running again.
I am also a huge history buff and I spend my nights expanding my knowledge of the past. I also find a lot of events and artworks from history to be extremely inspirational to my designs, and have referenced many famous artists within my research. The artist the artist who I draw the most inspiration from is René Magritte who worked as a Graphic Designer before his fame as a surrealist. His work as a designer played a crucial role in his development of his artistic style, I try to keep this in mind as I develop my own personal style within my professional work and my creative endeavors.
In terms of skills, I confidently offer:
Excellent communication, Creative problem-solving, Attention to detail, Ongoing and eager learning, a Strong work ethic.
Creative skills include:
Graphic design, Identity branding, Print design, Packaging design, Layout design, Visual communication, Web design, Logo design.
Proficient in Adobe CC tools and Canva. Some of my complementary skills include creative direction, understanding of design principles, industry best practices, and a strong creative process. Secondary skills encompass generative design, HTML+CSS, Python, and spot color printing.
If you would like to view my Resume you can do so here.